You need to ensure that you attract and recruit employees who will pass the stringent screening and vetting requirements of BS 7858:2019 and the SIA.
Cataphract Training can help save you time, and therefore money, by showing your Vetting Staff how to properly screen and vet new employees to the standards required by BS 7858:2019 and the SIA. Our trainers are all former police officers and HR professionals who are well versed in all aspects of personnel screening and vetting and can help your Vetting Staff acquire the skills they need to carry out your company’s screening and vetting to these requirements.
This certified training offers a vetting skills training course that covers an overview of screening and vetting, current legislation, BS 7858, SIA licensing, identity checks, documentation and employment history and references, but which is flexible enough to meet your company’s individual requirements. Each training course ends with a Q&A session and is supported by access to Cataphract’s helpline.
Overview of Screening and Vetting
Current Legislation
BS 7858
SIA Licenses
Identity Checks
Documentation, Employment History and References